Therapy for Burnout & Exhaustion

I see you out there, crushing it in your careers and making your family proud. As a therapist, I've had the honor of working with so many incredible BIPOC professionals just like you – first and second-gen superstars who are breaking barriers and reaching new heights every day.

But let's get real for a second. Behind those impressive job titles and groundbreaking achievements, I know many of you are carrying some heavy weight on your shoulders. That pressure to be the best, to live up to your family's dreams, and to prove that their sacrifices were worth it? Yeah, it can be a lot.

Maybe you're feeling stretched thin, like you're always on the verge of dropping one of the million plates you're spinning. Or perhaps you're battling that nagging voice inside that whispers "no eres suficiente" (you're not enough), no matter how much you achieve. Trust me, you're not alone in this.

Those traits that got you where you are – the perfectionism, the non-stop hustle, the desire to make everyone proud – they're like a double-edged sword, right? They've helped you soar, but now they might be leaving you feeling drained and unfulfilled.

If any of this is hitting close to home, I want you to know that it's okay. You're not failing – you're human. It might help to understand the difference between everyday stress and full-on burnout, especially when it comes to balancing our cultural expectations with our personal well-being.

Want to dive deeper into this together? I'm here to listen, to understand, and to help you find that balance between honoring your roots and taking care of yourself.


  • Typically short term and situational

  • Physical symptoms like tight muscles, tension headaches, and gastrointestinal issues - these may be dismissed or downplayed due to cultural stigma around mental health

  • Self-neglect and lack of boundaries

  • Increased hypervigilance in social and professional settings

  • Insomnia or other sleep problems

  • Feelings of anxiety, overwhelm and urgency


  • Chronic and cumulative

  • Disengagement, emotional detachment or numbness

  • Chronic exhaustion, hopelessness and depression

  • Chronic physical pain and mental fatigue

  • Decreased creativity and problem-solving abilities

  • Loss of motivation and ideals related to meaning and purpose

  • Requires a more profound life/work change


  • Imposter syndrome; feeling like a “token” representative

  • Feelings of not belonging in the work place

  • Strains of code-switching and managing microaggressions

  • Fears tied to confirming to negative stereotypes

  • Pressure of representing one’s community/family

  • Difficulty finding mentors/support that understand your unique experiences

  • Increased sensitivity to issues of racial inequality

Find out if therapy for burnout and exhaustion is right for you.